Finding the purpose in life is a multifaceted journey. Part of that journey is finding your own life purpose, which is just as multifaceted.
Life takes different meanings to the individual, and each different time and place reveals new meanings. Although we have some control over our choices, the journey that is life leads us to places that we can never quite imagine.
Whether we really have choices or not is up for debate. We do not know what tomorrow holds, yesterday is purely subjective to the story that forms in your head. The voice that accompanies you to your past memories and narrates events. Events whose moments tend to slip away as time goes on.
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Until we can truly say your memory of events is the last time that you remember them, as science puts it. So we live each day as it comes to us, at constant interaction with other individuals. Walking to the shop for example, you cannot anticipate the faces who are also going about their own realities.
These faces may shape the events of your trip to the shop. The angry face in traffic, who left home in a huff after a fight with his wife. The face who did not see you coming, looking down while their hands are searching for the house keys that they fear to have lost. The face standing in the breakfast isle, trying to figure out which cereal their child requested to have. All these encounters whether direct or indirect contribute to the quality of the event.
The random conversations you have with strangers. The smiles and nods you give, the ignorance you give some. These can seem mundane against the grander scheme of things, but have you ever felt the effect of a compliment from a stranger? Or the effect of kindness from a stranger when you are having a bad day?
The everyday carves out its own purpose which you can reap should you feel like it. Some days are crappy of course and we just want them to end, but the truth about life is that it is not the amount of years that build up. It is the day to day which builds to form into weeks and months and years.
Some events do not make sense as we experience them. In the way that a loss of a job or failure can wreak havoc in your life. What about a year or so later, or a decade later when you think about your life.
How did those past events in which you wailed “why me?” shape your character and present circumstance. What purpose can you draw from that random encounter with a stranger which you never thought much of.
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Never mind what people have done for you, and how they shaped your life. What about you? What do you say to your friends and family on day to day events? How do you think this influences their days or life? Because you see we are all walking into tomorrow as if blindfolded.
In the same way we cannot tell what others are thinking, we are also not aware of the exact purpose others are fullfiling. You can certainly be aware of yourself though. That each day will be a memory for tomorrow, and that time really does fly. Purpose is always fullfiled even if it does not make sense to those fulfilling it.
We may not all excel at what we choose to pursue for our careers but the action of your daily rise and fall has an effect around you. Purpose then is invisible in that sense, but it exists everywhere. In the way that we breathe in oxygen to give out carbon dioxide. A purpose we are not always aware of but which keeps being fulfilled with each breath we take.
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