A WORKING mom is tired of hearing stay-at-home moms complain about their long, hard days.
She believes what she does is much harder work and says she can do everything that they do and more in just one day.

First-time-mom Ina Lee (@leeiinna) shared her controversial opinion in a video in which she boasted about how productive she is with her responsibilities.
“I’m just going to say it, but being a stay-at-home mom is easy,” she claimed.
After watching several TikToks in which stay-at-home moms discussed all the work they do and how much they’re worth because of it, she was left “frustrated.”
She revealed that she works full-time, even with an infant son at home.
“I have a corporate job, and my six month old is not in daycare. Basically, my husband, myself, and my mom split up taking care of him throughout the week.”
She said she still has all the standard errands that the others have.
“At the end of the workday, my chores are not magically done. I still have to make dinner, do my laundry, clean my house.
“So, I’d say by that math, what I do should be worth a lot since I’m doing everything.”
Ina said those who stay at home should be thankful.
“I’m not saying that what they do is not important, I’m saying that what they do is a big luxury.”
She went on to explain how easy it is to be productive on the days she doesn’t work, even with her little one around.
“I recently had a three-day weekend and in just one day I was able to do all my meal-prepping for the week, four loads of laundry, clean my house, as well as take care of my son, feed him, get him through his naps, etc.
“By the end of that day, I had done everything and ran out of things to do.”
After acknowledging that stay-at-home moms do have responsibilities, she claimed they were “trying to hard” to prove how much they do.
Instead, she called being a stay-at-home mom a “break” that she wishes she could take.
Her disclaimer? She only has one kid, so she “can’t speak” for moms of multiples.
“But the women who really need the recognition are the working moms.”
Most viewers instantly called her out.
“Very bold take from someone with one child (six month old) and THREE active caregivers,” one person wrote.
“Your baby isn’t even walking yet. Get back to us when that happens,” added another.
Even the working moms refuted her claim.
“As a mom who has done both, I will say that being a stay-at-home mom has humbled me. It’s mentally exhausting and extremely lonely,” one wrote, with another adding it’s “no joke.”