Private number plates don’t come cheap, so having a firm budget in mind is absolutely essential to ensure that you don’t end up overspending. Most dealers will allow you to search online with a price limit, so you’ll only find suitable plates that are within the budget you’ve set. You may not be able to get the exact combination that you want. With private plates becoming more and more popular, you may have to settle for something a little different to what you originally had in mind. Being inflexible could lead to disappointment and even make you feel like you have to go over your budget just to get the plate that you want.
Cool cruiser: Audi A6 Avant 50 TFSI e quattro S tronic 220 kW (299PS)
The A6 PHEV brings together a 2.0-litre four-cylinder petrol engine with an electric motor integrated into the seven-speed twin-clutch transmission....