FROM trendy fad diets to drastic measures like gastric bypasses and “fat jabs”, Brits are relentless in their quest to shed the pounds. Now there is a new “miracle” solution...
Read moreDetailsYOU’VE put your worries to bed, set the phone aside and snuggled up under those warm sheets – so why are you struggling to sleep? According to a new study,...
Read moreDetailsA MUM who has never smoked told of her horror at being struck down with incurable lung cancer. Robyn McLean, 39, got the stage four diagnosis just three days before...
Read moreDetailsVIAGRA slashes your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a study suggests. Researchers from University College London discovered the little blue bill is a boost for your mind as well as your...
Read moreDetailsLITTLE Mercy Cuthbertson smiled from ear to ear as her mum told her: “Some very kind people have raised enough money for your medicine fund.” Those people are Sun on...
Read moreDetailsANY parent will know that their kids love a slushie drink. Head to a soft play, arcade, bowling alley or shopping centre and the brightly coloured, swirling, frozen treats are...
Read moreDetailsDOCTORS have warned parents that deliberately exposing children to measles in ‘chickenpox-style parties’ is ‘irresponsible and dangerous’, as cases of the highly infectious disease surge. Doing so could put your...
Read moreDetailsYOUNGER doctors are seeing measles patients for the first time as the virus returns. The illness was officially eliminated in 2016 and 2017 — but cases are surging again in...
Read moreDetailsMORE than 100,000 children have been admitted to hospital with tooth rot since 2018, NHS figures suggest. Decay is the top reason for hospital admission in under-18s and half of...
Read moreDetailsA RECORD 420,000 patients languished in A&E for more than 12 hours last year. Latest NHS England figures reveal a 20 per cent surge from 2022 and almost a 50-fold...
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