In a deeply moving event held at the Institut du Monde Arabe, two prominent medical professionals shared harrowing accounts of their experiences in Gaza. Dr. Ghassan Abu-Sittah, a British-Palestinian war surgeon, and Dr. Isabelle Defourny, President of Médecins Sans Frontières France, captivated the audience with their firsthand insights into the ongoing humanitarian crisis in the region.
Dr. Abu-Sittah recounted his 43 days of service at Al-Shifa and Al-Ahli hospitals during October 2023, a period marked by relentless violence and unimaginable suffering. “Every day was a battle to save lives under conditions that no medical professional should ever face,” he stated. His work not only provided life-saving care but also contributed critical evidence to international legal cases addressing war crimes.
Dr. Defourny highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by medical teams in Gaza, emphasizing the resilience of the local population. “Despite the devastation, the spirit of the people remains unbroken. Our mission is to provide care and bear witness to their plight,” she said, reflecting on her visit to Gaza in October 2024.
The event was not just a recounting of medical efforts but also a powerful reminder of the human cost of conflict. The audience, moved by the stories, engaged in a thoughtful discussion about the importance of international solidarity and accountability.
This evening was a stark yet necessary reminder of the realities faced by those in Gaza and the critical role of organizations like MSF in providing aid under the most challenging circumstances.